Aaron Dubray

Family Service Counselor

Aaron DuBray is a proud descendant of the Oglala Lakota Sioux tribe, hailing from the expansive plains of South Dakota's Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. His strong affinity for tradition and community stem from these rich ancestral roots.

Being a middle child nestled between his dear brothers, Adam and Steve Jr., allowed him to naturally develop exceptional arbitration skills strengthened by the empathetic teachings of his loving parents, Steve and Lolita. He credits his family for nurturing his strengths in understanding, communication and patience.

His passion to serve others led him to earn a Bachelor's degree in Human Service Studies from Elon University. Aaron takes great pride in his eight-year track record in retail and customer service, mastering the craft of personal service. He earnestly believes that it's in helping others that we find our ultimate purpose. This principle is currently leading him toward the diligent study and pursuit of a career as an Embalmer, aiming to provide comfort and solace to those enduring the profound sorrow of loss.

Professional, diligent, kind - these qualities exemplify Aaron's exact approach towards his work and life. Standing firmly on the foundation of his indigenous heritage, academic learning, and hands-on experience, he moves forward, deeply committed to making a positive impact in the lives that cross his path